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Actions for Harvest Batches

How to get to the most important views

Harvest Inventory

To get to the harvest inventory click on Cultivation > Harvest

Harvest Batch Detail-View

To get to the harvest batch detail-view click on Cultivation > Harvest and then click on the Batch ID of the harvest batch you want to look at more closely

Changing the Batch ID

To change the batch ID follow these steps:

  1. In the detail view or the harvest inventory, click on Action

  2. Then click on Edit Harvest Details

  3. Input the new Harvest Batch ID

  4. Click Save

If you selected Harvest all plants to keep the Batch ID and QR code for primary processing then you cannot change the Batch ID.

Changing the amount of Plants harvested

  1. In the detail view or the harvest inventory, click on Action

  2. Then click on Weigh in wet weight

  3. Input the new amount of plants or add plant tags

  4. Click Save

Starting and finishing a processing task

Processing tasks are the different processes used to treat the plant material. This includes processes such as debudding and trimming.

Tasks have to be previously added, see: Task. Make sure they are of the category harvest processing

Move a harvest batch (changing the area)

  1. In the detail view or the harvest inventory, click on Action

  2. Then click on Move

  3. Select the target area you would like to move it to

  4. Click Move

Move multiple harvest batches at the same time

  1. In the harvest inventory (Cultivation > Harvest)

  2. Select the batches you want to move by clicking in the column

  3. In the top right click on move

  4. Deselect batches you might have selected by accident

  5. Select target area

  6. Click Move

Weigh in wet weight

Weigh in wet weight is only possible before a drying is finished. Once a drying has been finished you can no longer add wet weight.

  1. In the detail view or the harvest inventory, click on Action

  2. Then click on weigh in wet weight

  3. Input all the fields to add a weight entry

    1. Weight and unit

    2. Equipment used for weighing

    3. Container, if you want to load the weight into the container right away

  4. Click add to table to add the weight entry to the batch

  5. Remove mistakes by clicking on the x button in the table

  6. Click on save

Weigh in dry weight

This action will only be available after a drying was finished.

  1. In the detail view or the harvest inventory, click on Action

  2. Then click on weigh in dry weight

  3. Input all the fields to add a weight entry

    1. Weight and unit

    2. Equipment used for weighing

    3. Container, if you want to load the weight into the container right away

  4. Click add to table to add the weight entry to the batch

  5. Remove mistakes by clicking on the x button in the table

  6. Click on save

Start Drying

Drying a harvest batch will start to dry the complete weight of the batch. If you want to dry the batch differently, you can split the batch to create another harvest batch that can be dried differently.

  1. In the detail view or the harvest inventory, click on Action

  2. Then click on Start Drying

  3. Select the Task that has to be followed for the drying

  4. Select the Area. This will move the batch to the selected area once save is clicked

  5. Input the Date the drying is started. The start date cannot be set in the future.

  6. Select all Equipment that are used in the drying process. You can select multiple equipment.

  7. Make sure the initial weight is correct

  8. Click on Start

Editing a Drying in Progress

If you want to change the task, equipment or the start date of a drying that is already in progress without finishing it then follow the steps below.

The area cannot be changed, to change the area perform the move action.

  1. Open the detail-view of the harvest batch that is drying (Cultivation > Harvest > Click on Batch ID)

  2. In the overview you can see the drying that is in progress, click on the name

  3. Change the properties you want

  4. Click on Save

Finishing a Drying in Progress

Finishing drying a harvest batch will set the wet weight to 0 and allow you to start weighing in the dry weight.

  1. In the detail view or the harvest inventory, click on Action

  2. Then click on Finish drying (a drying has to be in progress for this action to be available)

  3. Input the finished date, additionally you can also change the started date.

  4. Click on Finish

Package harvest batch

Packaging a harvest batch will create a batch of an article. You can package the harvest batch into article with any unit type. The actual batch size of the article and the used weight from the harvest batch are input separately.

  1. In the detail view or the harvest inventory, click on Action

  2. Then click on Package (only available if there is available weight)

  3. Input all the required fields

    1. All the required information on the article batch

      1. Article

      2. Batch code

      3. Batch size

      4. Storage area

      5. Expiration date

    2. The used weight entries from the harvest batch. You can add as many weight entries as required, click add to table for each new weight entry.

      1. Weighed weight and unit

      2. Used equipment for weighing

    3. The used packaging material. Make sure to click Add to add the selected packaging material batch.

      1. Article

      2. Article batch

      3. Used amount

  4. Click Create

Splitting a harvest batch

Splitting a harvest batch will create a new harvest batch using the plant material from the batch you are performing the action on. This allows to process or dry the split plant material differently.

  1. In the detail view or the harvest inventory, click on Action

  2. Then click on Split Batch

  3. On the left you see the current (source) batch and on the right you see the batch that will be created through this action

  4. Input Properties of the new batch

    1. Batch ID

    2. Area of the new harvest batch

  5. Add weight from the source batch by adding weighing entries.

    1. Input

      1. Weight and unit

      2. Equipment used for weighing

      3. Container, if you want to load the weight into a container straight away

      4. Click Add to table

    2. Repeat steps i - iv until you have split all the plant material you want in the new batch.

  6. Click Save

Add additional weight to the split batch

If you want to add additional weight to an already split batch follow these steps:

  1. In the detail view or the harvest inventory of the split batch, click on Action

  2. Click on Edit Harvest Details

  3. Add weight from the source batch by adding weighing entries. You can see how much is available in the source batch in the respective field on the right.

    1. Input

      1. Weight and unit

      2. Equipment used for weighing

      3. Container, if you want to load the weight into a container straight away

      4. Click Add to table

    2. Repeat steps i - iv until you have split all the plant material you want in the new batch.

  4. Click Save

Merging harvest batches

Merging batches will merge all available weight of two batches of identical quality into one single batch. Make sure the batches you are merging are identical according to your specifications.

Only batches with the same cultivar and the same phase (wet or dry processing) can be merged. Additionally when there are processing tasks or drying in progress they cannot be merged.

  1. In the harvest inventory select the batches you want to merge by clicking in the column.

  2. Then in the top right click on Merge

  3. Add additional batches you would like to merge by:

    1. Selecting the harvest batch

    2. Clicking on Add to table

  4. Input the required information for the new (merged) batch

    1. Batch ID

    2. Select Area

    3. Reason for merging

  5. Click on Merge


  1. In the detail view or the harvest inventory, click on Action

  2. Click on Merge Batches

  3. Add batches you would like to merge by:

    1. Selecting the harvest batch

    2. Clicking on Add to table

  4. Input the required information for the new (merged) batch

    1. Batch ID

    2. Select Area

    3. Reason for merging

  5. Click on Merge

Loading and unloading harvest container(s)

Harvest containers have to be created before they can be selected, see Containers

Loading weight into a harvest container

To load weight into a container follow these steps:

  1. In the detail view or the harvest inventory of the batch you want to load into container(s), click on Action

  2. Click on Load Containers

  3. Now you can start weighing into the harvest container by inputting

    1. Weight and unit

    2. Equipment used for weighing

    3. The container you want to load

    4. Click Load to load the selected weight into the container

    5. Repeat a to d until you have loaded all the weight you want

  4. Click save

At the top left you can see how much weight was not yet loaded. If you want to change plant material from one container to another you have to first unload and then load again.

Unloading harvest containers

  1. In the detail view or the harvest inventory of the batch you want to load into container(s), click on Action

  2. Click on Unload Containers

  3. Now you can see all containers loaded with this harvest batch

  4. Click on unload to unload the weight in a container

    1. If you want to unload all containers click on Unload all

  5. Click save

Upload a document to a harvest batch

If you have documents you would like to attach to a harvest batch follow these steps:

  1. In the detail view or the harvest inventory of the batch you want to upload a document to, click Actions

  2. Click on Upload Document

  3. Choose the document from a location of your device

    1. You can add a description of the document

  4. Click Save

Log loss of a harvest batch

If you want to log the loss of weight of a harvest batch due to drying (not connected to a drying process), Theft or during processing (not waste) then follow these steps:

  1. In the detail view or the harvest inventory of the batch you want to log loss, click on Action

  2. Click on Log Loss Containers

  3. Input the required data

    1. Select a reason for the loss of weight

    2. Input the weight and unit of the lost weight

  4. Click save

Take sample of a harvest batch

To take a sample from a harvest batch follow these steps:

  1. In the detail view or the harvest inventory of the batch you want to take a sample from, click on Action

  2. Click on Take Sample Containers

  3. Describe the content of the sample such as “Dried Flowers before trimming”

  4. Input the weight and unit of the sample

  5. Select the date

  6. Click save

To learn more about samples, check out Samples

Print label of a harvest batch

To print a label with the QR code on it follow these steps:

  1. In the detail view or the harvest inventory of the batch you want to print a label for, click on Action

  2. Click on Print Label

  3. Select the format (size)

  4. Click Print selection

  5. The software will open a new window where you labels are being generated, when the status is set to done, click on the print icon on the right

  6. Now you can print the label from your browser

Add note to a harvest batch

To add a note about a harvest batch follow these steps:

  1. In the detail view or the harvest inventory of the batch you want to write a note for, click on Action

  2. Click on Add a Note

  3. Write your Note

  4. Click Save

Record an observation on a harvest batch

To record an observation about a harvest batch follow these steps:

  1. In the detail view or the harvest inventory of the batch you want to log an observation for, click on Action

  2. Click on Record Observation

  3. Write the observation

  4. Upload an image (not mandatory)

  5. Select the date of the observation

  6. Click Save

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