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Release Notes 2.9

Published on 01. November 2021

2-Factor-Authentication • Improved print center & new design • Release verification by a second individual

Two-Factor-Authentication (2FA)

Increase security when logging in and prevent unauthorized access. With the new two-factor authentication, users have to authenticate themselves in addition to their password when logging in. You can find the 2FA settings in your profile.

Improved print center and new label designs

You can now set what information you want to display on the label.

And new designs have been added:

Improved additive search function

Find the correct additives quicker with the improved search function that allows sorting by category and subcategory.

Planning display

The display of the planning charts has been reworked and improved.

Narcotic attribute on Strain

You can now set the attribute narcotic on a strain. This attribute gets automatically added to plant batches of that strain.

Stock management of additives

The stock management of additives has been removed. We discovered issues with complex recirculating fertilization systems that rendered the stock management obsolete. In future releases, we will connect additives with articles to allow for in-depth stock management.

Approval by a second individual: Batch release

You can now define how the release of an article batch should be performed. From no release process to a one-user release down to a two-user release with an additional approval step is now possible. Toggling the approval by a second individual will make sure at least two users have checked the data of the article batch.

Adjustable dates for the creation of plant batches

Adjustable dates of already existing plant batches is now a lot simpler. The software will automatically set the correct time and display the phases correctly according to the data entered. The log will correctly show every action taken and the correct date of entry if dates have been adjusted.

Improved Areas

Areas now have categories:

  • Cultivation

    • Indoor / Outdoor / Greenhouse

  • Drying

  • Storage

  • Harvest processing

  • Manufacturing

  • Sanitary

  • Laboratory

And the dimension of an area can be set: Length, width, and height.

Improved cleaning documentation

When documenting a cleaning the respective cleaning task can be selected.

General improvements

  • Validation of inputs

  • Improved safety and data integrity

  • Bug fixes

  • Additives can now be entered in decimals

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