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Release Notes 2.24

Released on

Marketing Redesign • Recipe application • Plant tag ID

Welcome to CV Web 2.24.0! This release brings exciting enhancements to our Marketing Module, focusing on a sleeker design and additional parameters to display on the landing page, to elevate user engagement and transparency.

Marketing Redesign

  • New design for the QR code landing page

  • Upload multiple pictures and add more detailed descriptions to your articles

  • Customise CTA to increase user engagement

  • Additional parameters can be selected to display on the landing page, like genetic certificates, cannabinoids and terpene information, suppliers and certificates

  • Possibility to add a cover picture and profile picture to the About us page

  • Add unlimited products to the list of Further Products

Recipe application with batch selection

Now it is possible to apply recipes with the possibility to specify which exact batches of additives are being used. To use this feature click on the “Deduct from inventory” toggle in the apply recipe action.


  • Downloading CSV/Excel tables will contain all entries on all pages by default across the system

  • A new 2 x 10cm label was added for plant tags

  • Plant tags are now consisting of the plant batch name plus a sequential number instead of the database ID

  • Bugfixes

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