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Release Notes 2.19

Released on 15. November 2022

Plant Batch View • Dashboards • Cultivation Narcotic Report • Sample and Article Batch Update

New Plant Batch View

As you have heard and read in our announcement we are launching a new view of the plant batch. The updated layout displays more of the relevant data and the overview helps to summarize the most important information at a glance.

Additionally we improved the visibility of the traceability by showing how many clones were taken from each individual plant and where the plants are coming from. This information is visible in the plant overview for all plants as well as the plant detail view for each plant.

When taking cuttings it is possible to create a tagged plant batch right away. This guarantees each plant has the exact origin set. Toggle the “create tagged plant batch” option when taking cuttings.


We have created dashboards that showcase KPIs at a glance and allow you to navigate quickly to the correct page. To access the dashboard click on the Names in the top navigation.

The following dashboards are now available:





Article Batch Updates

When disposing of amounts from an article batch the exact amount can be entered by selecting the unit.

The traceability tab now shows direct links to the delivery and shipper as well as the customer and shipment. Click on the green text to access the respective data.

Cultivation Narcotic Report

Want to know how many narcotic cultivars your company cultivated, harvested, and processed per year? Head over to Quality > Reports to see the cultivation narcotic report per year.

Sample Update

The sample view was updated and when submitting a sample it is now possible to specify to which laboratory (contact) the samples were sent. Additionally, you can let Cannavigia generate the order form for you.

Get back on track quickly: Login redirect

Accidentally logged out or timed out? No worries, upon your next login the software will take you to the last visited page so you can continue to work right away!

Sub Areas

Sub-areas have now been implemented with Article Batches, allowing you to place article batches into sub-areas. You can see the article batches in a sub-area in the Facility > Area > Sub area tab:


  • Improved performance and loading times

  • Bug fixes

  • Productions now have a new field “Order Nr.” to enter and track the order number for each production

  • When a Production is created without planned times the estimates now correctly state: undefined

  • Plants can be assigned to plant batches that are in the “in preparation” phase

  • On the web app, it is possible to upload png files to observations

  • On a production, the amount field is no longer mandatory

  • Lamp details can be added to the CSV importer

  • Equipment status has a new color and unified text

  • In Quality control, the batch code will open the article batch detail view instead of the article name

  • When plants are added to a plant batch it will automatically start

  • Description field on cleaning tasks is no longer mandatory

  • When deleting a user, the user name is shown instead of the user id

  • When taking cuttings from a strain the phase duration managed in the strain is automatically pre-filled by the system

  • New Plant Batch Label 50x25mm, 190x20mm

  • Plant tags can now be printed as an excel file for manual adjustments

  • Error pages now have a quick link to get you back into the system

  • Tests now have a new result type “greater as” and “less than”

  • Fixed a bug where long descriptions caused a crash on the marketing module

  • Equipment CSV import now has a validation process to make sure the format of the file is correct

  • When logging tasks of type planting the plant passport field is no longer mandatory

  • Notes on harvest batches can now also be found in the harvest batch detail view

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