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Release Notes 2.17

Released on 31. August 2022

Info Cards • Top Navigation • Add Documents

Custom Information cards in Inventory

Create your own customized inventory info cards under Inventory > Article inventory. Choose which product or category you would like to display information about.

New Top Navigation

The top navigation is in a new order, making it easier to access relevant views by having them grouped.

Add documents on the release view

We’ve added a simple way to quickly add documents next to the specifications. This allows for faster upload and selection of the document.


  • Improved performance and loading times (Tables and Print Center)

  • Harvest Batch weight can be edited post harvest

  • Creating Marketing Landing Pages has been simplified for miscellaneous products.

  • Icons for better identification of objects

  • Cleaning interval graphically shown in the equipment view

  • Additives from all categories can be added to recipes

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