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Release Notes 2.16

Released on 29. Juli 2022

Goods In • Goods Out • Delivery Note • Harvest Batch • Article View

The ease of use of our products can have an impact on our customers' success. Based on customer feedback, we simplified the Goods in and Goods out workflows to make them more coherent.

Improved Goods in Workflow

The process of logging incoming articles has been simplified. All of the steps are now in a logical order and are simple to follow.

  • Step by step workflow

  • Multiple articles summarized in a delivery

  • Batch specific information per article

Improved Goods out Workflow

Editing a shipment allows you to easily add items to it. A step-by-step workflow will guide you through the process.

  • Step by step workflow

  • Adding articles to a shipment by drop-down select

More Information on Delivery Note

Enhance your delivery note to provide more information to your customers. This change is designed to deliver your customers with a better experience and more information when they enter your deliveries into their system.

  • Batch code, expiry

  • Images of your company and customer

Edit Harvest Batch

Implement changes to suit your needs. You can update the Harvest batch attributes across your dashboard with the click of a button.

  • Harvest batch can now be edited


More Information on Article view

To provide more information, the design of the articles view has been updated. This provides a more detailed outline of where the batches of an article are stored.

  • Stock per location

  • New design



  • Bugfixes

  • Performance improvements

  • Wet weight during drying can be adjusted

  • Harvesting/Ernte will automatically pre-fill the Name with the suffix _H

  • Project Filter in Transfer plants and take cuttings window

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