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Release Notes 2.12

Released on 29. March 2022

Post Harvest Movement • Print Center Layout • Top Navigation • Disposal Overview

Post Harvest Movement

We simplified the way to move harvest and drying batches. By selecting one or multiple harvest batches, the connected drying batches can be moved at the same time.

The area log in the harvest batch shows a detailed history of all movements and time spent in each area.

Move harvest and drying batches efficiently

During drying the area can be changed and the log is visible

Print Center Layout

The print center layout has been streamlined. Each print can have a print selection name for easier identification.

Top Navigation

The Top Navigation automatically shrinks when the window is too small. Don’t worry, all menu items are still available when clicking on more.

Disposal Overview

In Quality > Disposal, the overview has been sorted in tabs and all disposals, containers and destroyed plants can be accessed.

Additional information in the Traceability tab

The article batch traceability tab now has additional information. Showing Goods in, Plant batches, Goods out and more. All entries link directly to the respective object.


  • New 31.75x25.4mm, 200x25mm and 300x25mm plant tag labels available

  • Bugfixes

  • Performance improvements

  • Thousand separators have been removed

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