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Release Notes 2.11

Released on 16. February 2022

Manufacturing • Article Batch View • Plant Cultivation Journal • QR code scan navigation


Plan, prepare and execute your manufacturing activities with the new Manufacturing feature. Automatically check if you have enough available amount in stock before starting a production. Define and streamline the manufacturing tasks required to manufacture an article.

Be sure to check out the handbook for in depth information of the functionalities.

The Production view

All the actions that can be performed in a production

Improved Article Batch View

We removed the old view and created a new and more intuitive batch view with all the information you need organized in tabs. All actions can now be performed by clicking on the “ All actions” button in the top right.

New Article Batch view

Plant Cultivation Report

The plant cultivation report has received a new design and information is new organized and phase-wise color coded to make it easy to extract relevant information.

Fertilization example of the Plant Cultivation Journal

New Certificate of Analysis

The design of the certificate of analysis has been updated. Additionally you can display a custom text at the bottom of the certificate by navigating to setup>reports and entering the information text.

Testing and Release page

Goods In with Plants & Improved Plant Inventory

We streamlined the goods in workflows for getting plants into your cultivation. This includes plant passport information and adding the plants from the plant inventory to your batches.

You can add plant passport origin information to your suppliers in Setup>Contacts>Supplier which are used for auto-fill-in at the goods in process for a faster everyday workflow.

Once the goods in is completed and the batch is released, head over to the plant inventory (Cultivation>Plants) and create new plant batches or add the plants to existing ones.

Plant passport data is automatically filled when Supplier is selected.

New Plant Inventory design.

Overview with all the functionalities

By clicking on the company logo you will be referred to an overview of all the functionalities of the Cannavigia Software with short descriptions. Click on the boxes to navigate to the respective view.

Overview of all functionalities

Scanning QR Codes to navigate

Simply scanning a QR Code with a suggested scanner device will take you to the respective page of the object.

Get a notification for received sample results

There is a new option for notifications in Profile>Notifications that will send you an e-mail when a sample test result is received. Turn it on if you want to receive a notification when a result of a sample is received.

Analyze samples and upload results

You can now manually upload your test results if the analysis has been done by a lab that’s not listed in Cannavigia (internal or external). Uploading the result will set the sample result as received and users who have turned on the notification for sample results will get notified.

Simplified waste logging for non-narcotic strains

To decrease the amount of necessary inputs especially for CBD growers we have removed mandatory fields from logging waste if the cultivated strain is not a narcotic.


  • Additive list has now a sub-category column

  • Moving multiple plant batches between areas is now possible

  • Dedicated pictures for the company profile are now able to set

  • Refurbished user profile view

  • New result type in test: Conforms/Conforms not

  • New units for test management: UFC/g, ppb, %area, %,

  • Manual batch codes are now validated to check for duplication

  • New single plant label 59x38mm

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