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In the Users page (Profile > Users) you can manage all users of the Cannavigia software and edit or enter information about each user.

The following tabs can be seen in the Users page:

  • Overview: An overview of all active users with their email, name and role.

  • Inactive: The Inactive tab lists users who no longer have permissions in the Cannavigia software.

  • Notes: In the Notes tab you can see all stored notes for users.

  • Log: Displays a system-generated record of all actions performed on users.

Creating a new user

To add a new user to the Cannavigia system, follow these steps.

  • In the Users page (Profile > Users), click on the green button + Add user.

  • In the Required fields tab, enter the First name, Last name, Initials and Email addresss of the new user.

  • Select the Role of the new user and the associated permissions. In order for a selection to appear in this field, the Role must first be created under Profile > Roles and permissions.

  • Optionally, you can enter the new user's Phone number, Mobile number, Job description, Position and Department.

  • In the Additional information tab, more detailed information about the new user can be entered such as start/end dates, nationality, address.

  • In the Compensation tab, you can enter salary details for the user as well as bank details and work permit references.

  • Click the green Save button to create your new user.

Editing a user

In Profile > Users, in the Overview tab, you can see all created users. You can edit your users at any time with the following action buttons:

Editing a user

If there are changes for a user, they can be recorded with the Edit button:

  • To edit a user, click on the green Edit button.

  • The Edit user window will open with the same fields you entered when creating the user.

  • Record the necessary changes or enter any additional information regarding that user.

  • Click on the Save button to record your changes and return to the Users page.

Archiving and re-enabling a user

With the Archive button, a user who no longer has permissions in the Cannavigia software can be archived:

  • Click on the grey Archive button to archive the user. *Note: Superadmins cannot be archived.

  • Confirm the archiving of the user by clicking OK.

Note: Archived users are still visible in the Inactive tab in the Users page and can be re-enabled at any time.

  • To re-enable a user, go to the Inactive tab and click on the Re-enable button.

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