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Training Center

In the Training Center page you can create your own database of trainings and log each time you conduct a training.

Adding a new training

To add a new training to the Cannavigia system, follow these steps:

  • In the Training Center page (Quality > Training Center), click on the green + Add training button.

  • The Add training window will open up.

  • Enter a Training code and a Priority for the training.

  • Describe the training. We recommend specifying in the name if it is conducted internally or externally.

  • Enter the Direction of the training.

  • Optionally, you can also enter the Location of the training, and a Phone number and Email of the organizer of the training.

  • Click Save to create your training.

Conducting a training

To record the conducting of a training, follow these steps:

  • In the Training Center page, click on the green Conduct training button.

  • Select the Internal examiner from the drop-down list.

  • Enter the Started at and Finished at date.

  • If there was also an External examiner present, enter their name and surname.

  • Select the name(s) of the Attendees. You can select multiple attendees by clicking on the names of the employee in the drop-down list.

  • Click Conduct to log your training.

Editing a training

In Quality > Training Center, in the Trainings tab, you can see all your created trainings. You can edit any of your trainings at any time by following these steps:

  • To edit a training, click on the green Edit button.

  • The Edit training window will open with the same fields you entered when creating the training.

  • Record the necessary changes or enter any additional information regarding that training.

  • Click on the Save button to record your changes and return to the Trainings page.

Archiving and restoring a training

  • Click on the grey Archive button to archive the training.

  • Confirm the archiving of the training by clicking OK.

Note: Archived trainings are still visible in the Archive tab in the Trainings page and can be restored at any time.

  • To restore a training, go to the Archive tab and click on the Restore button.

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