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Roles and Permissions

In the Users page (Quality > Custom Roles) you can edit and create roles as well as set their permissions.

Creating a new role

To add a new role to your Cannavigia account, follow these steps.

  • In the Custom Roles page (Quality > Custom Roles), click on the green button + Add Custom Role.

  • The Add role window will open up.

  • Enter the Name of the role.

  • Click the green Save button to proceed to the next step.

After saving, edit the levels of permissions as described bellow.

Editing a role

In Quality > Custom Roles, in the Custom Roles tab, you can see all created roles. You can edit any of your roles at any time by following these steps:

  • To edit a role, click on the green Edit button.

  • The Edit role window will open with the permission fields, tick which levels of permissions apply. There are three levels of permissions available: View/Write/Admin.

  • By clicking on one, two, or all three fields, you can determine which level of access is assigned to this role for each permission.

  • Record the necessary changes to the permission fields for that user.

  • Click on the Save button to record your changes.

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