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Processing Tasks (Old)

By clicking Cultivation > Processing, you can see an overview of all processing tasks that you have logged.

 Editing a processing task

  • To edit the progress of a certain process, click on the green Edit button.

  • A window will open where you can document all the data related to the processing.

Editing the progress of a processing task

  • Specify the Processed amount.

  • If you click on max. the system will automatically input the total available quantity of this batch.

  • Once you have entered the processed amount, press the green Update button. The quantity is not assigned to the process until you click on Update.

Note: the processed amount can be adjusted while the process is still ongoing.

Logging observations, moving and recording waste

  • Next, you can log observations, move your batch to other area and record waste.

  • To record an observation, enter your Observation and optionally, upload a photo.

  • To move your batch, select the target area from the ▼ drop-down list and press the green Move button.

  • To record waste, enter the Amount of waste in kg, enter the Type of waste, select the Waste container from the drop-down list and specify a Reason for the waste.

  • You can log multiple observations and waste for each process. After filling in and clicking on the green Log observation or Log waste buttons, a new line appears for entering the next observation or recording the next waste item.

  • To confirm your changes, click Save.

Marking a harvest/drying as complete

  • When the harvesting or drying process is complete, click on the Mark as completed button. Completed processes cannot be processed further.

  • A confirmation pop-up will appear, click OK.

  • The harvesting/drying process is now complete. The available amounts are updated in the detailed harvest inventory page of that batch, and the status of the Processing task is marked as completed.

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