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Manufacturing setup

Setting up your articles for manufacturing purposes is a key step to simplifying your production planning. To setup the manufacturing settings navigate to:

Manufacturing > Setup

Set up the Parts list

Add an article to the parts list

  1. Click the green Edit button in the actions column of the article you want to set up

  2. In the manufacturing tab, select the Part list/composition from the ▼ drop-down list and click the add button to add a new line

  3. Enter the amount that is used to manufacture one unit of this article

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all the articles that are required for manufacturing this article

  5. Click Save to make the changes effective

Remove an article from the parts list

  1. Click the green Edit button in the actions column of the article you want to edit

  2. Click on the red trash bin button to remove the article

  3. Click Save to make the changes effective

The parts list will be used to calculate the required amounts when planning a production.

Set up the Manufacturing Tasks

Add Manufacturing Tasks to an Article

  1. Click the green Edit button in the actions column of the article you want to set up

  2. In the manufacturing tab, select the Manufacturing Task from the ▼ drop-down list

  3. Click Add to add the task to the list of tasks required to manufacture this article

  4. To add additional tasks, repeat steps 2 and 3

  5. Use drag and drop to set the order in which the task should be performed

  6. Click Save to make the changes effective

Remove Manufacturing Tasks to an Article

  1. Click the green Edit button in the actions column of the article you want to edit

  2. Click on the red trash bin button on the right side of the task to remove it

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