In the Disposal Overview (QUALITY > DISPOSAL) you have an overview of all the disposals. Disposals have the following actions:
Report: A detailed PDF report of the disposal.
QR Code: Add the QR Code of the disposal to the Print center.
View: A detailed report of the disposal.
In the tab Waste Containers all waste container are listed and the following actions can be performed:
Dispose: Disposes all content of the waste container. Additional information on the disposal such as total dry weight, date of packaging etc. can be entered.
QR Code: Adds the QR code of the waste container to the print center.
View: Displays all the waste in the container.
Move: Moves the container to the selected area.
Note: Adds a note to the container.
Archive: Archives the waste container. Archived waste containers can be restored from the waste container archive at anytime.
In the tab Destroyed Plants all destroyed plants can be seen. The eye-button takes you to the source of the plant(s).