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The Cultivation menu contains everything you need to document and plan your cultivation. From an overview of your Projects and Plants to a database of fertilizer/pesticide Recipes and a Planning calendar to see the timeline of your various projects, you can securely track all stages of your growth with the Cannavigia software..

Additionally, the Harvest inventory and Drying inventory allow you to keep an eye on your different stock levels and ongoing Processing tasks.

By clicking on Cultivation it leads you to the dashboard which is the default landing page when you log in to the Cannavigia software. In the Dashboard, you have a global overview of all aspects of your cultivation, including:

  • Active Plant Batches

  • Plants

  • Harvest Batches

  • Harvest in Drying

  • Dried Batches

  • Harvest in Processing

By clicking on the infoboxes icons you will be brought to the respective pages.

Additionally, at the bottom of the page, the following data about your cultivation is shown in graph format:

  • Plants per Cultivar: A horizontal bar chart indicating the number of plants per cultivar.

  • Area Information: A list of all cultivation areas with information about the number of batches, plants, and IoT data.

  • Upcoming Phase Changes: Provides details on plant batches and their scheduled phase transitions.

  • Plants by phase: How many plants you have in each phase (in prep, immature, vegetative, flowering, harvest and finished).

  • Batches in Drying: Harvest Batches currently undergoing drying, including Batch ID, drying task, and drying duration.

  • Batches in Processing: Harvest Batches currently undergoing processing, including Batch ID, processing task, and processing duration.

You can hover above the different information to get the exact numbers for that project/phase.

Happy growing!

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