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“Articles” are all the raw, intermediate and end products that are created or used in the course of your cultivation project.

In the Articles page (Inventory > Articles), you can create, view and edit various products that you need for your cultivation. In addition, plants and seeds can also be created as articles. Since stock levels and prices are also recorded under articles, you can keep track of your project and inventory level at all times.

The Articles page is divided into the following tabs:

  • Overview : An overview of all your articles with their Article Nr., Name, Description, Article unit and Price.

  • Archive: View your archived articles and restore them if necessary.

  • Notes: All the notes you have created for individual articles.

  • Log: A system-generated log of all actions that have been performed in the Articles page.

Exporting your articles in CSV or XLS format

You can conveniently export all entries with a single click, either in CSV format or in XLS format. To do so, click on one of the gray CSV or Excel icons in the tab you wish to export.

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