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Actions in a Production

To open a production navigate to

Manufacturing > Projects > Click on project name > Click on Production Nr.

Start Production

Once the planning has been completed and all necessary information is available you can start the production.

  1. Click on the green Start Production button in the middle of the progress bar.

  2. Select the area in which the production takes place and confirm that work area and equipment are clean and free from any starting materials, products, product residues or documents not required for this production.

  3. Click confirm

  4. The production is now in progress

Document Actions

Log Waste

  1. Click on the green Actions button in the top right

  2. Click on the red Log Waste button

  3. Fill in at least the mandatory fields

    1. Waste description

    2. Amount and unit

  4. Click on Save

Add Equipment

  1. Click on the green Actions button in the top right

  2. Click on the green Add Equipment button

  3. Select the used equipment from the drop down menu

  4. Click the green Add Equipment list

  5. If you want to add additional equipment repeat steps 3 and 4

  6. Once all equipment are added click on Close

Remove used material

  1. Click on the used material tab

  2. In the column Action, click the red waste bin symbol

  3. Enter a reason for removing the used material

  4. If you want to restore the amount to the source article batch click on the check box. This will restore the amount to the article batch it was subtracted from.

  5. Click confirm to remove the used material

You can check the details of a removed material by clicking on the green eye button in the action column of the used materials.

Perform a planned Task

  1. Click on Tasks tab

  2. The list and order of planned tasks are displayed. To perform a task click on the green Perform task button

  3. A window with the selected task opens

    1. Clicking on the SOP file picture will open the uploaded file during task creation in a new tab

  4. Enter notes on the performed task

  5. Click save to perform the task

Perform an unplanned Task

  1. Click on the green Actions button in the top right

  2. Click on the green Perform Task button

  3. Select the task you would like to perform from the drop down

  4. Enter notes on the performed task

  5. Click save to perform the task

Record Observation

  1. Click on the green Actions button in the top right

  2. Click on the green Record Observation button

  3. Enter your observation and the date of the observation. Additionally you can upload a file.

  4. Click save to save the observation

Take Sample

  1. Click on the green Actions button in the top right

  2. Click on the green Take Sample button

  3. Enter the content, amount and unit as well as the date of taking the sample

  4. Click create to take the sample

You can perform actions like printing the label or lab submission directly in the samples tab in the action column by clicking the corresponding button.

Upload Document

  1. Click on the green Actions button in the top right

  2. Click on the green Upload Document button

  3. Choose a file

  4. Click Upload to save the file

To view the uploaded files, click on the grey file button in the actions columns in the document tab.

Create Article Batch

  1. Click on the green Actions button in the top right

  2. Click on the green Create Byproduct button

  3. Select the article and amount that was manufactured in this production

  4. Adjust the expiration date if necessary. Expiration dates are defined in the article

  5. Set a manual batch code if you want to use your own batch coding system

  6. It is possible to upload a file to the created batch. Select the file you would like to add

  7. Click Create to create the new batch. The created batch will be opened in a new tab. To return to the production view, select the corresponding tab in your browser or close the created article batch.

Creating article batches is meant for secondary products that may occur during production.

Add Packaging Material

  1. Click on the green Actions button in the top right

  2. Click on the green Add Packaging Material button

  3. There are two options to select the article and article batch:

    1. Manually select the article and then the article batch from the drop down

    2. Click on Scan and use a connected QR-code scanner to scan a valid article batch

  4. Enter the amount

  5. Click the green Add button

  6. If you want to add other packaging materials repeat steps 3-5

  7. Once all packaging materials have been added click the Close button


  1. Click on the green Actions button in the top right

  2. Click on the green Move button

  3. Select the area from the drop down

  4. Click Save to change the area of the production

Print label

  1. Click on the green Actions button in the top right

  2. Click on the green Print Label button

  3. Click anywhere on the grey area to leave the actions menu

  4. You can see the red notification in the print center. Click on the print center and select your label printing options and print your label

Finish Production

When you have completed all tasks, documented all actions taken and the production is completed:

  1. Click on the green Finish Production button on the right side of the progress bar

  2. In the Finish Production window enter the total manufactured amount

  3. Click on Confirm to finish the production

When the production is finished the batch is available in Quality Control to follow the release process, if a release process has been defined.

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